Fixed Fire Sprinkler System
Simple, reliable and uncomplicated way to protect your wealth and property, especially in large open areas threatened by fires.
Fixed Fire Sprinkler System Bonpet uses liquid Bonpet and it was designed as zone fixed fire-safety system, which can be used indoors. It is used to extinguish fires of classes A, B and F. Fixed Fire Sprinkler System Bonpet offers not only self-activation but also manual activation for extinguishing a fire. It is suitable for varnishing chambers, transformers (outdoor and indoor), hydraulic generators, vacuum thermoforming plastic machines, warehouses of inflammable fluids, wood industry (filters, etc.), warehouses, tunnels (in testing), etc.
Suitable for :

Small Offices

Public amenities

Industrial facilities

Engineering facilities
It works by spraying the fire extinguishing liquid. The installation of pipelines and jets is similar to the ones for water spraying system, the only difference is the quantity of extinguishing. The main purpose when using water spraying system is, that the spraying water enables intervention of firefighters and that is why it has to spray longer. The main purpose of fire extinguishing liquid Bonpet, is to extinguish a fire and because of its effect, the spraying time is shorter (around 20 seconds) and it does not need an irrigation. Because of this extraordinary feature the tank contains relatively small amount of liquid Bonpet (calculated according to an area of extinguishing). Nitrogen creates pressure in the container with the extinguishing liquid Bonpet. Flow of the extinguishing liquid into the pipeline is suppressed with automated ball valves which are opened by a signal from the fire fighting control centre and thus enable the flow of liquid to the nozzles in the fire extinguishing zones.
Fixed Fire Sprinkler System is formed from elements of mechanical and electrical equipment and is one of the low-pressure systems with a working pressure of extinguishing up to 5 bars. Pipe and tube fittings used for the construction of a piping system have 7,5 bar of a low-pressure test (plumbing installation).
- Liquid Bonpet does not cause any damages during the fire extinguishing and its remaining components are easily cleaned.
- It is human and environment-friendly.
- At regular maintenance – unlimited product life expectancy.
- Costs of maintenance are signed with a contract.
- Euopean product.
- Free consulting and viewing.